How to Choose the Best Central Air Conditioner for Your Home

Kids like looking after the environment once they can relate to the issues. Learn how to help your children understand energy efficiency.

How to Choose the Best Central Air Conditioner for Your Home

How to Choose the Best Central Air Conditioner for Your Home

13 September 2016
Environmental, Blog

Choosing a central air conditioner for your home means taking your time to consider a lot of different features in an air conditioner; you don't want one that is underpowered even if it saves money on the purchase price, as this can mean not cooling your home properly. On the other hand, you don't want the most expensive model on the market as it may be too big and may cost more to operate. Note a few factors to keep in mind to help you choose the best central air conditioner for your home.

Choosing the size

You can find many online charts that tell you the best size of air conditioner for your home; this usually means the BTUs, or British Thermal Units, which refers to the cooling capacity of an air conditioner. However, you need to go beyond a standard chart and consider your home specifically; are you in a warmer climate than average so the air conditioner will need to work harder? Do you tend to cook a lot and, in turn, generate lots of heat from the kitchen? Is your home without shade trees? These things can mean that investing in a larger unit will be better for your home in particular.

Energy efficiency

A central air conditioner is rated by what is called the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating, or SEER. The higher the SEER number, the more energy efficient the model. These may be more expensive to purchase but they will mean using less electricity to run the unit over time; the money you save in utility bills can compensate for the higher purchase price.

Cabinet material

The cabinet of a central air conditioner is what houses the fan and motor and which covers the compressor, the part that creates cold air that gets circulated through your home. An aluminum cabinet can be very lightweight and inexpensive, but note that it may be more prone to getting dented and dinged during inclement weather, or from flying rocks and debris that often hit a cabinet when you mow the lawn. In turn, the parts inside the cabinet can get damaged.

It may be better to shop for a full steel cabinet that is tougher and more durable and which may offer more protection for the inside parts. These might be heavier so that you need a cement pad for the cabinet underneath, but this can be worth that added expense if it means avoiding unnecessary repairs because of a thin, lightweight cabinet.

About Me
Encouraging children to save energy

Kids like the idea of looking after the environment as soon as they can relate to the issues. I have been working on ways to make sure that my kids understand that the ways that they can help the environment, and how important small changes can be to save energy and the environment. They are some of the biggest cheerleaders of energy efficiency once they have understood how important it is. This blog has tips on how to teach children about saving energy as well as some resources to help provide positive reinforcement when they do save energy at home.
